Tuesday, 2. October 2007

The end is nearer.

OK... I finished the last review a few days ago.
So, the content is fixed now, and all that's missing is some layout work.
Right? Wrong.

I have completed the first 100 pages of the finalized layout but found that it takes MUCH longer than I had hoped.

Word is clearly not designed to handle a 1 Gigabyte document with thousands of embedded images, and even though I broke down the document into several parts it's still very slow and crashes frequently (on a new dual-core PC!).
Add that to the fact that Word increasingly behaves irrationally (moves around pictures by itself, refuses to move pictures in other cases) and you'll get a glimpse of my current frustration.

I suppose it will take me about 100 more hours to finish everything. That's nothing compared to what I already invested, but it's a lot more than I hoped for.

Anyway, don't hold your breath just yet, I will post an update as soon as I know more.

Oh, and here are some very early specs for the books:
- 800 pages
- Hardcover
- approx. 1500 new reviews

And no, I still don't have a price yet.

Preorder address is:


the making of FLEX Book vol.3

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flex - Apr 25, 23:34
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flex (guest) - Jul 22, 17:36
Any updates in the meantime?
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Branding (guest) - Jun 10, 13:54
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flex - Jan 17, 14:19
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flex - Jan 9, 13:33





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